TDK was engaged by Nextgen to undertake the plough and fibre optic works for their OCHRE project running through central Australia, commencing in Marla South Australia, through Alice Springs ending in Darwin.

Over the course of these works TDK ploughed in excess of 1000kms of fibre optic cable utilising its brand new zero tension static plough. Other methods employed included traditional open cut excavation, chain trenching, rock sawing, boring and a 0.5km galvanised bridge crossing. Fibre size ranged from 48 fibre to 216HS1 cable.

TDK’s environmental department had to adhere to strict guidelines. As the works passed through not only environmental features but also sacred Aboriginal grounds and sites, our team worked closely with the Tribal Elders to ensure the utmost respect and care was shown to these scared sites.

TDK’s employees were required to undertake some of the most stringent security checks as the works passed through and around Pine Gap to maintain their strict and highly confidential operations.

Our plough is driven by a Caterpillar D8T dozer enabling TDK to guarantee reliability and production in any weather conditions and wider treads resulting in less impact on the environment.

We are proud that to date, TDK holds the Australian record for the greatest length of fibre ploughed in one day, 38.8km on 26 October 2010.

